A Day of Joy: Dedication of the Yakima Temple


On a momentous occasion, the community members of Yakima, Washington celebrated the dedication of their newly constructed temple. Members of The Light of the World congregation and their choirs rejoiced in this beautiful festivity.

Presiding over the ceremony was the minister in representation, and sent by the Apostle of Jesus Christ, Naasón Joaquín García. With words of dedication to God and reminiscing on this beautiful work, the minister then proceeded to open the temple’s doors, giving entrance to the house of God and the gate of Heaven. As the congregation was ushered into the temple, reverence and sanctity were felt among the attendees.

In his address, the minister emphasized the profound significance of each individual as a “living stone” in constructing a spiritual temple within themselves. He drew a parallel between a small grain of sand and its potential for growth, illustrating the significant role each person plays in building an environment conducive to the Holy Spirit.

During the ceremony, the presiding minister delivered a message from an Apostolic Letter. The Apostle’s words instilled unity and purpose, reminding the members of their mission and the joy of being part of this spiritual community.

Following the ceremony, the congregation gathered to celebrate by participating in a meal, fostering bonds of community with those present.

The temple dedication of the Yakima temple was a day of gratitude, community, and renewed purpose to serve God with utmost dedication.