When Angel Macias joined the choir at The Light of the World congregation in Monterrey (La Luz del Mundo), he never dreamed that singing praises to God would steer him on the path to opera. However, the talented singer’s resonant tenor captured the attention of his...
When the City of Lubbock, Texas, hosted a backpack giveaway during a recent National Night Out, a youth group from The Light of the World congregation in Lubbock was proud to join in and support their local community initiative. While city staffers distributed...
Since the start of the deadly pandemic, The Light of the World congregation in Chichicastenango, Guatemala (La Luz del Mundo) has been a lifeline for the residents of its local community. Members of the congregation have provided enormous support to local families...
When he was five years old, Jibsam sang his heart out in a church choir that forever changed his life. The young boy joined a choir at The Light of the World congregation in Guadalajara at an early age and immediately fell in love with music. Today, 19-year-old Jibsam...