In a religious ceremony celebrated in the temple of the Beautiful Province neighborhood, the faithful of The Light of the World in the Metropolitan Area of Guadalajara fraternally welcomed the attendees to the Holy Convocation 2023.
The expression “welcome” was heard in different moments of the spiritual ceremony, while the delegations from Mexico and other countries entered the temple with reverence and in an orderly manner, waving with joy their flags and banners.
With the welcoming ceremony of this day, and the hospitality of the hosts, the guests at the Lord’s Table immediately felt at home, due to the fellowship that was extended to them.
Gone were the long days of waiting. Now joy filled the atmosphere, as they raised their hands and expressed: Here we are, safe and happy, at the most solemn celebration in all the land!
At the end of the ceremony, amidst hugs and exchanges of words of welcome from one to the other, the fraternal welcoming ceremony concluded with a fervent prayer of adoration to God and his Son Jesus Christ. In addition to witnessing the convergence of different languages and cultures, those attending the Holy Supper will be able to enjoy the city’s tourist attractions on the dates following the Holy Supper.